We outlined 7 Principles in considering the Value of Generosity:

1)  Malachi 3 - Our example for generosity comes from God and we are reminded that His generosity needs to be remembered in a basic tithe but also as a test to God to "open the storehouses" to us to engage in the value of generosity.

2)  Ownership - God owns the cattle on a thousand hills and everything in between and wants us to act in faith in considering our stewardship and finances.  Where traditional market makers and investors are ruled by fear, hope and greed, we believe a follower of Jesus needs to act in faith when investing and trust that God will provide resources to His trusted servants.

3)  Planned Giving - our giving must be planned and spontaneous but both in response to the voice of God.  We believe that God speaks specifically and so we should listen to receive specifically the information of who and where to invest.  

4)  Conduit - While we believe we are the conduits for some of God's generosity there are some physical and practical conduits to put in place.  We call it the plumbing of investment and includes wills, trusts and insurances for protecting and passing on assets as well as the basic routing for spontaneous and monthly giving such as venmo, paypal and bank transfers.  Are your vendors in place to give on all levels?

5)  Stewardship - Mike has made it a point to explain that we have a choice to be a steward or a storehouse.  One is entrusted with assets and resources and tends to them before giving them and the other stores them for later use and is apt to take credit for the hoarding.

6)  Gratitude - Living with an attitude of gratitude is living with an understanding of our place in the system of God's radical generosity.  If we come to the table with nothing but are entrusted with so much to tend and then pass on, we must return thanks to God for His generosity in allowing us to participate.    Grateful people give generously because they are aware of the source of their gifts.

7)  Company - we added this point in the podcast as it became apparent that the company we keep allows us to hear the truth when in the trenches of execution.  As we do our due diligence it is easy to take credit for the work, lose heart or even stop the work.  Encouraging voices and strong company keep us moving forward and encouraged and keeps us accountable for the shape and pace of the work we are assigned from our time with Jesus.