We hope this episode allows you to have a better understanding of the difference between money and currency and the need for the paradigm and lifestyle of cashflow. The following is an outline of today's conversation and a deeper look at the foundational principles of Biblical investing.



We have fiat currency that violates the laws of money and is disobedient to God's mandate for "just weights & measures." (Deut. 25:15)Our fiat currency system is NOT an accurate information utility for investors and entrepreneurs (noise distorting the signal).Nothing new - empires always monopolize money throughout history.JP Morgan: "Gold and silver are money, everything else is just credit."The bible is not unaware of currency manipulation...

Investing in Uncertain Economic Times

Redemptive Economics

Trust or Distrust GodSteward (abundance) or Storehouse (scarcity)?Decentralize (Gen 1:28-29; Gen 11/12; Jewish diaspora; Holy Spirit ---> gospel)Generosity (production) or Greed (speculation)?Proverbs 11:24-28Proverbs 13:22 - "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children,but the sinner’s wealth is laid up for the righteous. (RSV)"God favors a high velocity of money (velocity = how many times a dollar circulates through the economy in a given amount of time.)Redemption (value) or Retirement (consumerism)?Luke 12:13-21 (The Parable of the Rich Fool)Compare with Boaz - Ruth - kinsman redeemerConclusionGod spared nothing for us - redemptionPavilion illustration - gospel


Resources and Mentions:

The Scandal of Money - Gilder

The Ascent of Money - Ferguson

Honest Money - North 

Biblical Economics - RC Sproul Jr.

Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver - Mike Maloney