Thank you for joining us for our one year anniversary show!  We are so grateful to our listeners for staying with us and supporting us over the past 50+ weeks as we unpack our passion for getting middle class folks financially unstuck.

This episode was pure passion!  We can't emphasize enough the critical nature of integrating the Biblical narrative of Stewardship into your family's investing narrative.  The following are basic steps to consider when writing out your investment strategy.  We firmly believe that Kingdom Values combined with sound financial strategy can provide true redemptive influence in your family and community.



Complete the Biblical NarrativePut Your House in Order:  Problems to Solve vs. Tensions to ManagePlant In Your FieldPlant In Others FieldsCelebrate God



Resources/ Mentions:

Brant Menswar - Black Sheep Values

Matthew 6:33  - "Seek First the Kingdom"

Deuteronomy 6:7-8     "Commandments on Your Heart"




PW Gopal - [email protected], [email protected]

Mike Hatch - [email protected]