I thought we would have a little bit of fun this episode and break down the five best cop movies for you night owls. Back in the day you had to buy these on VHS, yes, I am that old, or DVD. But, today with streaming services you can probably find this without too much difficulty.

Before we get into the list here are a few caveats. First these are based on my personal opinion, just because I am right doesn’t mean some of you out there can’t be wrong. I am also not a professional reviewer so the things I am looking for might be very different from what you will find in any Rotten Tomatoes reviews. Finally, we have to recognize that we are reviewing Hollywood Movies.

Hollywood, you know that place that doesn’t particularly like cops and while it has made billions off our profession it never gets it right. Even in some of these movies I am going to talk about they don’t get it right. These just happen to be ones they get more right than others. And as far as political beliefs go, well let’s just say if I based my television viewing habits on political beliefs, I would start by throwing the TV out the window. Watch for fun and enjoyment.