“What the hell do I do with these Millennials?”

That has to be one of the most common questions I get in my classes. Trainers and supervisors across the country are struggling to relate and deal with the millennial police officer. Well, I’ve got bad news for you. The millennials have been here for awhile and they’re not going away.

Generational Studies have been one of the go-to area of social science for a while now. With terms like the Lost Generation, The Greatest Generation, Baby Boomers, Gen X, and Millennials we have been inundated with studies and research defining people based solely on when they were born.

Many supervisors and leaders in law enforcement have been in the profession for a bit. Some of your higher-ranking officers will find themselves in their 40s and are struggling to engage with the brand new 21-year-old officer. Having heard the terms bandied about they think that any officer younger than them must be a millennial. But let’s get our definitions right before we dig into behavior.