Previous Episode: Can it get worse?
Next Episode: Season 5 Trailer

That's a Wrap.

In 2020 at the height of the COVID pandemic I decided to start this podcast. I had just retired and started full time teaching and consulting when the world came to a grinding halt. The podcast was a way to fill that void. To scratch my teaching itch and to share what I had learned in 30 years of working as a cop.
 I couldn’t be more happy with the results.
 Over the last four years I have had the pleasure of reconnecting with old friends, making new ones, and sharing information about this amazing profession.
 I want to thank all of you that came along with me for the ride. Thank you for listening, sharing, and subscribing.
 This wraps up Season 4 of Blue Canary, a season where I focused on the War on Cops. But, this podcast experiment is far from over. I will be taking a few months off to get everything ready to go for next season, and I think it’s going to be a good one.
 Season 5 of Blue Canary is going to focus on leadership. You see, we don’t have a cop problem in the US, we have a cop leadership problem, one that seems to get worse every day. And it’s not just the big bosses, no, it’s a problem that starts with the frontline sergeants. I am going to interview all levels of police leaders and talk about the issues and problems facing police leadership. I am going to talk to researchers and experts in leadership, and I am going to share my own experiences as a formal police leader for 17 years. I think you will find next season fascinating.
 Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss an episode. Look for the new season in the spring of 2024.
 Until then, everybody be careful out there.