Leadership Journeys.

You are going to hear me talk a lot about leadership journeys this season.

What do I mean about leadership journeys? It’s how I describe the process of growing as a leader, of taking on formal and informal responsibilities and about not only learning the process of leadership, but embracing it as well.

I decided the best way to start this season off was to talk you through my leadership journey, and no it wasn’t very pretty.

Many of you out there have had the pleasure of having a mentor or role model for your leadership journey. I had none.

Ok, so that isn’t entirely true, I have found out while preparing for this season that we all have guides on our leadership journey, they just might not be formal ones and maybe we didn’t recognize them for what they were.

You see in my law enforcement career I had very few, and I mean very few positive formal role models. The supervisors and leaders that I had throughout my 30-year career in law enforcement were terrible. But I learned from them. I mostly learned what not to do.

What not to do.

That can be a powerful teacher.