Next Episode: True Crime

A few months into my first year on the department I attended my first in-service training class with the agency. Interview and Interrogation taught by a guy named Stan Walters. I learned a lot from Stan.

Stan Walters has spent more than 40 years studying and researching the science of interview and interrogation. He is the author of Principles of Kinesic Interview and Interrogation, 2d, ed. and The Truth About Lying: How to Spot a Lie and Protect Yourself From Deception which has been published in 7 foreign languages. He has authored numerous interview and interrogation training guides, audio programs and videos including 145+ videos on his YouTube Channel. 

Stan has regularly appeared on Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen. He has also appeared on ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox News, Fox & Friends, NBC, France Channel One and Australia Today. He has been profiled twice on National Geographic and was host and technical advisor on the National Geographic special “The Science of Interrogation.”

In this episode we have a great chat with Stan about the process and issues involved in training and interviews.