Next Episode: Internal Affairs

Demotivation is simply a lack of interest and motivation at your work. It doesn’t seem like a big deal; I mean everyone gets a little demotivated at work. You slack off a little, spend some extra time at the water cooler or on a smoke break, and once the weekend kicks in you get a little rest and relaxation before you’re better next week.

That’s not what’s going on in policing. Demotivation is more than just a little frustration at the workplace. In policing it’s one of the things destroying are profession. Demotivation is a tool used by the anti-police movement to further their agenda and destroy policing as we know it in the United States. Today, moral and motivation in policing is clearly under attack and that attack is spearheaded by six issues.




Work Environment

Job Expectations

And the destruction of the tribe.

Some of these things I have talked about before, but let’s take a few minutes and look at each one and see how together they are so destructive.