Twist it. Invert it. Overhead it? 
No, this is not a knock off Bop it commercial. We're talking about low-impact exercises in our second Seasons of Strength series, which follows a particular exercise, muscle group or concept throughout the preconception, pregnancy and postpartum stages. 

Check out our first episode of the series as we introduce the value of twists, inversions and overhead exercises. 

03:15 Why should we use twists in our regular workouts?
04:17 Russian twists
04:38 Bicycle kicks
04:56 Windmills
05:57 Medicine ball slams
07:01 Inversions
08:24 Headstands, handstands, forearm headstands
09:04 Down dog
10:27 Overheads
10:57 Overhead presses
11:39 Overhead push press
12:49 Overhead carry