Blanche and Esther talk about having a plan and achieving balance. Let's talk about finding foods that fit your goals while enjoying holiday treats on the first of 3 episodes as we gear up for the holiday season.

Why do we often see holiday foods and fitness goals as competing rather than contributing to enjoying our holidays? Blanche and Esther talk about practical strategies to align the foods that you want to eat with the foods that fit your goals, how to take control without depriving and the importance of balance.

01:08 Weekly update
07:09 Counting calories
07:33 Fight the mentality behind "I have to workout to eat ____" or "I have to earn the calories I'm about to eat"
11:25 Foods does not take away from your value as a person. You are more than the foods you eat.
12:27 Empowering ways to take back control of holiday eating
13:00 Bring a side dish that aligns with your fitness goals
16:12 Being mindful of eating to cope with big emotions
17:40 Is coping through food in that moment aiding in long-term health?
19:21 Feel the freedom to say "no thank you" to food pushers or grazing
22:52 Cherish and celebrate food as a tradition or history or representation of something that is more than the calories it contains
26:21 Give yourself permission to dismantle any sort of negative emotion tied to that food

Related episodes:
Establishing a baseline of nutrition
A snack state of mind