Crape Myrtles are in full bloom and we're going to talk about how to maintain them to get the best blooms each year. Hear all about it in our first segment! Len and I had a debate about getting stoned in the landscape! "No not that kind of stoned", using stone as a mulch! The debate continues in our 2nd segment! Do you have a Rose of Sharron growing at your home?? Well you should!!! Learn why in our 3rd segment. Peter a listener called the Bloomers in the garden hotline! He has an interesting question about his tomato plants growing in 5gal buckets. Hear all about it during our fourth segment! What's Buggin You?? Colorado Potato Beetles are bugging me and it's more than a traumatic childhood experience!! I know you want to hear more!! Dr. Julio is in during our final segment!!