Linda called the Bloomers in the Garden Hotline and is having a problem with Squirrels in her garden. Listen to how frustrating these critters can be and our solutions during our first segment!  Did your production from your tomato plants decline last year? Did the fruit have a scab at the base of the fruit? We'll discuss problems and solutions to growing the best Tomatoes! Trish called the hotline and has a problem with poison Ivy. It grows just fine but she wants to control it organically!! We'll discuss the 1-2-3 of feeding your garden and landscape plants! Yes, It's that easy, but not everyone is willing to put in the effort. Want a green thumb? You do have to earn it and it starts with fertilizer! 1-2-3 Tom called the Bloomers in the Garden Hotline and is trying to find an organic lawn fertilizer. We have some suggestions in our final segment!