Recently Julio & I Attended MANTS in Baltimore. Ok so What's MANTS? Mid-Atlantic Nurseryman's Trade Show, we'll share with you our impressions during our first segment! For 25 years the Pantone Color of the year has influenced fashion, interior Design, Product design, branding, marketing and even plants!! This year the Pantone's Color of the year is "Peach Fuzz"! Hear all about it during our 2nd segment! During our visit to MANTS we were on the hunt for new plants and new trends. Hear what we found during our 3rd segment. While at the Nursery Show we spoke with a popular rose grower and hybridizer about the Rose Rosette Virus. Hear how the host plants have evolved in our 4th segment! What are you reading? During winter we catch up on literary Endeavors. I have a unique excerpt from something I'm reading. Here all about what we're reading or listening to In our final segment.