Lucy McKinna is a Vet with over 15 years experience treating animals initially within the world of animal agriculture before turning her attention to supporting companion animals. Within the last year Lucy has founded an incredible new Vegan dog food company called Noochy Poochy. She has worked tirelessly to create a nutritionally complete product that not only meets the nutritional needs of dogs but also (& importantly) satisfies their palettes too. 

In this episode Lucy and Jim discuss Lucy’s experiences as a Vet & how they led her to veganism as well as whether dogs can be vegan. 

You can find out more about Noochy Poochy at

This episode is brought to you by VEG 1.

VEG 1 is the nutritional vitamin and mineral supplement designed for vegans, by vegans. Launched back in 2005 and re-branded in 2021 with stunning plastic-free packaging, VEG 1 provides nutritional support alongside a healthy and balanced vegan diet, all for an affordable price. With a 6-month supply available for just £12.70, VEG 1 will cost you little over £2 per month, and offer EU nutrient reference values (NRVs) of vitamins B12, D3, iodine, selenium, B2, B6 and folic acid.

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