Episode Notes

In this episode I chat to Professor Chris French who is an active skeptic and Head of the Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit at Goldsmiths, University of London. Chris is Special Advisor and former Editor-in-Chief of The Skeptic Magazine, the UK's foremost and longest-running skeptical magazine.

It's a chance for us to talk about skepticism and the use of science, reason, and evidence to examine all sorts of phenomena. We cover the paranormal, near death experiences, conspiracy theories, anti-vaxxers and the kind of psychological biases that can creep in to all these areas.

A concise description of skepticism used by Chris as the strapline for The Skeptic Magazine is: "Pursuing truth through reason and evidence". We delve into the skepticism movement and knowing how we are prone to biases can only help us make sound, reasoned decisions about all sorts of areas of our life. We also manage to talk about risk perception in humans, MMR vaccines, and the wonderful Skeptics in the Pub movement. (Get yourself along to an event if you can.)


Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit The Skeptic Magazine Skeptics in the Pub Skeptics in the Pub - Greenwich QED Conference - two day science and skepticism convention

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