Spoilers galore as philosophers Richard Brown and Pete Mandik wade up to their necks in spoilers to discuss recent cinematic depictions of (spoiler) artificial intelligence and (another spoiler) mind-uploading, especially in the 2015 films Ex Machina and Advantageous. DID WE MENTION THERE WILL BE SPOILERS? The first half of the episode largely focuses on Ex Machina and we shift to Advantageous for the second half. Also: Spoilers.

Spoilers galore as philosophers Richard Brown and Pete Mandik wade up to their necks in spoilers to discuss recent cinematic depictions of (spoiler) artificial intelligence and (another spoiler) mind-uploading, especially in the 2015 films Ex Machina and Advantageous. DID WE MENTION THERE WILL BE SPOILERS? The first half of the episode largely focuses on Ex Machina and we shift to Advantageous for the second half. Also: Spoilers.

(Audio drawn from our video chat viewable @YouTube.)

Ex Machina (film) @WikipediaTuring test @SEP Knowledge argument @SEP Ned Block "The Harder Problem of Consciousness"How do you know you’re not a zombie? @YouTubeSearle's Chinese Room Argument Against AI @YouTubeAdvantageous (film) @WikipediaPersonal identity @SEPInterview of Pete Mandik on mind uploading @hopesandfears.comDonna Hardaway’s A Cyborg Manifesto @Wikipedia