Gather up your microphysical constituents and embark on an epic audio odyssey wherein Richard Brown and Pete Mandik rock out about: physicalism, whether the mind is physical, how best to define "physical" and "physicalism," whether the physical universe is causally closed, and whether brainless spiders from Mars can have minds, etcetera, etcetera, and so on, and so forth. TO BE PLAYED AT MAXIMUM VOLUME

Gather up your microphysical constituents and embark on an epic audio odyssey wherein Richard Brown and Pete Mandik rock out about: physicalism, whether the mind is physical, how best to define "physical" and "physicalism," whether the physical universe is causally closed, and whether brainless spiders from Mars can have minds, etcetera, etcetera, and so on, and so forth. TO BE PLAYED AT MAXIMUM VOLUME

(The video chat the audio is edited down from can be viewed here: @YouTube.)

Daniel Stoljar "Physicalism" Von Neumann's universal constructor @Wikipedia David Papineau "The Rise of Physicalism" "Consciousness, Dualism & Physicalism (Papineau & Goff)” @YouTubeHoward Robinson's review of The Soul Hypothesis @NDPR Ned Block “The Canberra Plan Neglects Ground”