Pete Mandik is joined by David Pereplyotchik (assistant professor of philosophy at Kent State University) to sleep furiously on some colorless green ideas. Also, they talk about language. Grammar, meaning, truth, translation, Google, and the difficulty in faking deafness are just a few of the topics tackled.

Episode Notes and Links

Pete Mandik is joined by David Pereplyotchik (assistant professor of philosophy at Kent State University) to sleep furiously on some colorless green ideas. Also, they talk about language. Grammar, meaning, syntax, truth, translation, Google, and the difficulty in faking deafness are just a few of the topics tackled.

(The audio for this episode is drawn from the video chat viewable here: @YouTube.)

David Pereplyotchik online: pereplyotchik.comBrian Keeley - "The Early History of the Quale and Its Relation to the Senses" Richard Rorty on Truth and Pragmatism @YouTube Timothy Williamson - "Review of Robert Brandom, Reason in Philosophy: Animating Ideas" Jerry Fodor and Ernest LePore - "Why Meaning (Probably) Isn’t Conceptual Role