Is it a law of nature that if your neurons are gradually replaced with silicon chips, your qualia won’t thereby gradually fade? Can the armchair methodology of analytic metaphysics deliver knowledge of natural laws? Or can the boundaries of the nomologically possible be discerned only within the natural sciences? And who cares? Richard Brown and Pete Mandik, that’s who!

Episode Notes and Links

Is it a law of nature that if your neurons are gradually replaced with silicon chips, your qualia won’t thereby gradually fade? Can the armchair methodology of analytic metaphysics deliver knowledge of natural laws? Or can the boundaries of the nomologically possible be discerned only from within the natural sciences? And who cares? Richard Brown and Pete Mandik, that’s who!

(The audio for this episode is drawn from the video chat viewable here: @YouTube.)


Koro Syndrome: The Irrational Fear of Lethal Genital Shrinkage David Chalmers - Absent Qualia, Fading Qualia, Dancing Qualia Pete’s interview in 3am Magazine Mario AI