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1:28 Introduction to Blockstream Research

14:04 The Codex32 paper computer

20:51 What is Shamir’s Secret Sharing?

27:21 How Jade protects key information

34:47 Implementing Miniscript in Blockstream Jade

38:31 Wen Simplicity on Liquid ser?

48:45 Formal verification with Simplicity

53:31 Using Simplicity for CTV & APO functionality

59:35 How drivechains differ from other layer-2s

1:10:39 FROST and MuSig2

1:16:53 Blockstream Satellite and zero-knowledge proofs

1:22:13 Blockstream Research’s work on bulletproofs ++

1:35:52 The next 12-18 months in Bitcoin development

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