In this episode, I had the great pleasure of having Nicole Bremner join as my guest speaker. Nicole is a property development specialist who founded East Eight - a boutique property development and investment company with a proven track record of renovating million-pound properties across London. In today’s episode, Nicole shared with us her interesting career journey, and together we explored topics such as Brexit and its effect on the UK real estate market and interesting new property technologies.

Nicole’s career journey went along a rather interesting path that included working in banking for a while, cooking, photography, and knitting, and was a stay-at-home mother too, all before finally settling on property development. She quickly learned that her love of architecture and her knowledge of finance was a great combination for operating a successful business in the field.

Today she is raising 4 young children, is the acting director of East Eight, and is an adventurous amateur sailor together with her husband. She also runs her own podcast channel interviewing people from all industries, a successful author, is a non-executive director on the boards of several companies, and is a startup investor