In this episode, I had the great pleasure of having Felix Mago join as my guest speaker.

Felix Mago describes himself as a “driving force” behind de-fi (decentralized finance) and crypto adoption and is one of the “movers and shakers” in the crypto space today. He holds a Master’s degree in Political Science from the Freie Universitat Berlin, and worked as a lecturer at the SRH Berlin School of Design and Communication, as a consultant, in marketing research, digital banking and in the crypto space. His interests — spanning marketing research, information technology, consulting, and decentralized and tokenized projects (blockchain and crypto) — merged in the founding of his two companies.

Felix is the co-founder of Dash NEXT (2019) and Dash Thailand (2018), both of which are DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations). This means that the framework of the organization mirrors the currency — in that there is no hierarchy in either. His goal is for “Dash (an altcoin that was forked from the Bitcoin protocol) to be used as easily as cash and gives incentives to people to use it. The goal is to scale, grow and accelerate Dash merchant adoption and consumer activation to the next level. We want to be a payment solution everywhere in the world.”

Felix’s  claim to fame includes writing The Bitcoin Handbook in German and he is  a frequent panelist and speaker at global (virtual) conferences on  blockchain, crypto and building DAOs.