September Talk with Denis Jazbec, 4thTech CTO, a veteran blockchain developer and a Kawasaki Ninja rider.

Join the Discussion

The Talk reveals the thought process of Denis Jazbec covering blockchain as a fundamental technology breakthrough for humanity, the importance of data privacy, data decentralization and decentralized data cloud storage solutions.

⚡️ Denis the human vs. Denis the developer and the motivation behind

⚡️ Blockchain today and where do we need it?

⚡️ The path to 4thTech full decentralization

⚡️ Blockchain, data privacy or Our data, Our control

⚡️ Decentralized data cloud storage, how it works and 4thTech solution

⚡️ Adding Solana as 4th supported chain, the process behind

⚡️ The importance of Ethereum decentralization

⚡️ Layer2 vs side chains

⚡️ Multi-chain Interoperability

⚡️ What would be a perfect development environment and what languages do you use 

⚡️ Advice to young developers

⚡️ Closing Thoughts

With You


🎤 Nina Cerar, Blockchain Recorded Podcast (@ninacerar10) 


🎤 Denis Jazbec, 4thTech initiative CTO (@denisjazbec)

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