🔈 “Decentralized Finance is essentially banking and investing for Cryptocurrency, and it has so many different forms. The main mantra of Crypto for most users has been and still is “HODL”, the mindset of buying Crypto to hold until it appreciates greatly in value.” Jimmy the Hypnotist

Join the Discussion

⚡️DeFi Landscape overview

⚡️Crystl Finance

⚡️Responsibilities Behind DeFi Protocols 

⚡️Yield Farming

⚡️DeFi & Gaming

⚡️Polygon Blockchain

⚡️Anonimity vs. Trust

⚡️How to start building

With You


🎤 Nina Cerar, Blockchain Recorded Podcast (@ninacerar10) 


🎤 Jimmy The Hypnotist (@HypnotistJimmy)

Guest BIO

Jimmy is the Marketing and Community Lead for Crystl Finance and one of its founders. Before Crystl, Jimmy has a background in management and customer service and has been an active member of the Crypto Community since 2017.

Episode Links:

🔗 https://www.crystl.finance/

🔗 https://polycrystal.gitbook.io/polycrystal-finance/

🔗 https://twitter.com/CrystlFinance

🔗 https://polygontimes.com/

Sponsor Section

🔥 This episode is sponsored by CoinMarketLeague.com. CoinMarketLeague is a platform helping investors to find interesting coins and projects to gain more exposure and social following. At CoinMarketLeague users can vote for their favourite projects, discover events and upcoming IDOs on different launchpads. Head onto CoinMarketLeague.com and learn more.

Sponsor Links:

🔗 https://www.coinmarketleague.com/

Main Sponsor Section

🔥 This episode is also sponsored by 4thTech. 4thpillar Technologies or short 4thTech is the next-gen multi-blockchain ecosystem, platform, cryptocurrency, and a suite of decentralized applications that enable users to exchange metadata, data files and instant messages from wallet to wallet in a secure and decentralized manner.

What is FOURdx?

🔥 FOURdx, a 4thTech Blockchain “WeTransfer” Alternative. Unlike current centralized online data file exchange solutions, FOURdx leverages trust sourced from the blockchain and provides a secure, immutable wallet A to wallet B (i.e., FOURwaL) data file exchange. It can also be defined as a decentralized network framework that supports any data exchange between wallet addresses of supported blockchains (i.e., Ethereum, HashNet, Polkadot, Edgeware and now Solana). Supported by a modern intuitive web platform and thanks to multi-chain support, the FOURdx enables organizations and individuals to collaborate and exchange data in a secure, accessible, affordable and decentralised manner.

What is FOURim?

🔥 The FOURim protocol leverages the Solana blockchain to serve as an immutable ledger exchanging encrypted messages from FOURwaL wallet address A to FOURwaL wallet address B close to real-time. (BETA currently deployed at Solana DevNet)

Sponsor Links:

🔗 https://4thtech.io/

🔗 https://twitter.com/4thtechProject

🔗 https://wiki.4thtech.io/intro/discover.html#fourim-4thtech-instant-messaging-protocol

🔗 https://medium.com/the4thpillar/4thtech-solana-blockchain-instant-messaging-protocol-i-e-fourim-9c5d3e5b944f

🔗 https://youtu.be/uOfVnNjtjYU

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