Meet Peggy Chong: "The Blind History Lady"

Peggy Chong has been in many places and many states and it has been a while since she has been in Minnesota so it was nice to meet up with her and talk about her work and passions. Peggy is known as, “The Blind history Lady," as her work over the years has brought about her books and articles about people in history who were blind and nearly lost until Peggy dug up the articles and stories from relatives and schools to breathe some life into the lives they lived.

Peggy has a series called, “The Blind History lady presents” on the web.


The Blind history lady Presents

A look back at the blind men and women of the United States in the 1800s through the early 1900s who worked hard to lead a normal life. What they did, the resources they had or did not have and the techniques they used to become teachers, plumbers, politicians, newspaper editors, boat builders, barbers, piano tuners, chemists and so much more.

Be sure to check out her latest stories  and support her initiative.

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