Blind Abilities presents another installment in its series: iPhone 101. In this segment  Pete Lane introduces us to the most basic of the Voiceover gestures. While there are many gestures, these are the most basic gestures that will be needed to get acquainted with your iPhone as a new user. Pete not only explains the gestures, but he demonstrates them using his iPhone 6 to fully illustrate how they are used in real-life situations. 


The gestures covered in this installment are:


1. The "Touch and Slide” gesture: touch the screen lightly with one finger. Whatever is touched will be read by Voiceover. Slide a single around the screen to explore the screen’s contents.


2.  A flick to the right: a light flick with a single finger, usually your index finger, as if you’re flicking a bug.


3. A flick to the left: this is the same as number 2, except it is done in the opposite direction: from right to left.


4. A single-finger double-tap: using a single finger, usually your index finger, lightly tap an item quickly to activate a button or open an app.


Stay tuned for more installments in the series, including How to set up a new iPhone, and a review of all of the other Voiceover gestures.


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