150 episodes - English - Latest episode: almost 12 years ago - ★★★★★ - 2.6K ratings

Kick right-wing butt! Listen to this podcast for a month and you will be able to kick the butt of any right-winger in a debate. I guarantee it! Subjects will include: Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, George Bush, conservative pro-Iraq war draft dodgers, right-wing Christians doing the opposite of what Jesus said in Matthew 25, Ann Coulter, Alan Colmes, Rush Limbaugh, wealth distribution, Al Franken, Republicans, Democrats, Bill Maher. Upcoming will be interviews with live debate.

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79 - Lying Or Just Plain Ignorant? Bill O'Reilly Misleads His Audience, Part I: Iraq / Bush Health Care Plan Is A Typical Right-Wing Scam

February 02, 2007 00:05 - 18.3 MB

Today we're going to start a series entitled "Lying Or Just Plain Ignorant? Bill O'Reilly Misleads His Audience." Part I will be about Iraq. Included will be, some effective responses when you hear misinformation like that disseminated by O'Reilly.Did you know, for example, that 72% of US troops in Iraq said last February they should be withdrawn within one year, whether or not the mission is

78 - Case Study, Ecuador: Listen To Martin Luther King And Learn How To Get On The Correct Side Of The World Revolution

January 26, 2007 23:35 - 17.7 MB

Martin Luther King, Jr. proclaimed on April 4, 1967:A true revolution of values will soon look uneasily on the glaring contrast of poverty and wealth. With righteous indignation, it will look across the seas and see individual capitalists of the West investing huge sums of money in Asia, Africa, and South America, only to take the profits out with no concern for the social betterment of the

77 - Worsening Income And Wealth Inequality That Might Even Make A Right-Winger Blush (If They Were Capable Of Feeling Shame)

January 19, 2007 00:30 - 20.4 MB

Today, we're going to present some data about income and wealth distribution that you've probably never before seen brought together in one place. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened.For example, let's take the wealthiest 1/10 of one percent of all Americans. There are 130,500 such taxpayers. They have more income than the 120 million Americans at the bottom.Nice, huh?How about

76 - Market As Deity: Reflections On The Right-Wing's Golden Calf

January 12, 2007 00:15 - 22.7 MB

Today we're going to have a wide-ranging discussion of that totally misleading economic term so beloved by the right, the "free market." By the time we're finished, you'll never hear the phrase "free market" the same way again.One of the more exasperating things when speaking to a right-winger, is that virtually no matter what subject you're talking about, if you're making good points and the

75 - Highway Deaths Continue Because Right-Wing Policies (As Usual) Fail

January 04, 2007 23:40 - 19.5 MB

Today, we're going to start off the new year with some new evidence -- as if you really needed any more -- that right-wing policies cause increased human misery, suffering, pain and death. This example concerns thousands of unnecessary highway deaths from accidents involving large trucks.Safety advocacy groups, along with the insurance industry, presented studies showing that tired truck drivers

74 - Year-End Review Of Some Right-Wing Gifts To America In 2006: Poverty / Class Warfare / War Profiteering / Mining Deaths / Cancer / Lung Disease

December 28, 2006 22:48 - 18.9 MB

This last podcast of the year will be a review of some of the worst things the right-wing did in 2006 as covered by Blast The Right.Here's how I put together my list.You know I often say that right-wing policies inevitably cause increased human misery, suffering, pain and death. I don’t think I've every explained exactly what the components of that phrase mean to me.Misery and suffering I

73 - Have You Heard? We're In World War III! Right-Wing Propaganda Campaigns Fail Because The Right's Actions Don't Live Up To Its Rhetoric

December 22, 2006 00:10 - 17.9 MB

Today we're going to look at a failed -- but still ongoing -- right-wing propaganda campaign, and analyze why it failed. Could it be because the right's actions and policy proposals prove they don't believe the words coming out of their own mouths about the war on terror?This summer, no doubt in desperate hope of scaring up a majority of GOP voters for the midterm elections, the right-wing

72 - The Upcoming Minimum Wage Battle: How To Counter Right-Wing Propaganda

December 14, 2006 23:20 - 21.6 MB

The Democrats have proclaimed that before 100 hours have gone by in the new Congress this January, they will, among other things, raise the Federal minimum wage.The bill, which has been languishing for years in the right-wing controlled Congress, is called the Fair Minimum Wage Act. It provides for three hikes: from the present $5.15 to $5.85 sixty days after enactment; to $6.55 one year later,

71 - Even After A Thumpin', Bush Continues Appointing Right-Wing Extremists / QuickBlast: Chavez Landslide Victory In Venezuela / More

December 07, 2006 23:02 - 18.4 MB

Today, we'll discuss how George W. Bush, even after the midterm elections, is continuing to appoint right-wing extremists to critically important government posts -- in this instance, jeopardizing the health of millions of women. Then a QuickBlast about Hugo Chavez's landslide election victory in Venezuela -- so much for the right-wing lie calling him a "dictator." We'll end with a listener

70 - Was There Right-Wing Electronic Voting Fraud In The Midterms? Dispute In Florida's 13th Congressional District Provides The Answer

November 30, 2006 23:20 - 22 MB

Ok, we had the midterm election, and there was apparently no nationwide right-wing electronic voting fraud sufficient to tip the scales to the Republicans, since the Democrats, thank goodness, did succeed in taking back both houses of Congress.I've been wondering, however, was there Republican voting fraud of the electronic variety, just not enough?And, what does this midterm election portend for

69 - Big Victory Against Right-Wing In Struggle To End Debt Slavery Of Third World Nations

November 23, 2006 23:40 - 18 MB

Today we'll discuss another example of good news on the international economic justice front. It comes in the form of a powerful kick in the teeth against the Third World debt scam that's been perpetrated against the poorest nations on earth for all too many years.Many of these indebted nations are forced to spend far more on repaying these loans, than on health care and education and other needs

68 - Major Defeat Suffered By The Right On International Economic Justice Front: Bolivia Prevails In Nationalization Of Its Natural Gas Industry

November 16, 2006 23:29 - 19.9 MB

There's good news for those of us who cheer when Third World nations make progress in their efforts to step out from under the boot heel of Western economic exploitation.Six months ago, way back in podcast 42, we discussed how Evo Morales, the newly elected President of Bolivia, had nationalized Bolivia's oil and gas industry. He gave foreign companies 180 days to turn over a majority stake in

67 - Right-Wing Plots To Reverse Post-Enron Anti-Corporate Fraud Reforms, Even Without Control Of Congress

November 09, 2006 23:22 - 24.4 MB

Most of you are familiar with the many recent corporate and accounting scandals, with Enron, Tyco and Worldcom among the most notorious.In response to these events, even the right-wing controlled Congress felt compelled to act, and they passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act is one of the pieces of legislation that the SEC enforces, with these purposes: truthful disclosure

66 - Part 3 Of Critically Important But Largely Unreported Aspects Of The Iraq War: The U.S. Connection To Iraqi Death Squads / Updates & Comments

November 02, 2006 23:09 - 25.7 MB

Torture and mass murder by the death squads of Iraq is being covered by the media, true. But what is largely unreported, is that these death squads bear a US pedigree.What we're seeing in current-day Iraq is a replay of one of the most heinous aspects of United State's foreign policy in 1980's Central America.Plus: an update on the Florida exit poll ban, a listener call-in comment on right-wing

65 - A War On Religion? As With Most Right-Wing Claims, The Exact Opposite Is True / Issues Survey QuickBlast / Listener Comment On Vote Fraud

October 26, 2006 23:10 - 21.4 MB

Right-wingers claim that there is a war on religion in this country.The fact is:[S]ince 1989...more than 200 special arrangements, protections or exemptions for religious groups or their adherents were tucked into Congressional legislation, covering topics ranging from pensions to immigration to land use. New breaks have also been provided by a host of pivotal court decisions at the state and

64 - Will Your Vote In The Crucial Midterm Election Be Erased -- Or Even Flipped -- By Right-Wing Electronic Voting Machine Fraud?

October 19, 2006 22:50 - 24.9 MB

Today, I'm going to address some issues related to the upcoming midterm elections, including the history of, and likelihood of continued, right-wing electronic voting machine fraud. There is nothing going on in this country more important politically, than to take back from the Republicans at least one, and preferably both, houses of Congress, in the midterm elections just a few weeks away.The

63 - Bush EPA Ignores Its Own Experts, Leaves Poison In The Air / Class Warfare: 400 Billionaires Vs. 57 Million American Families / Listener Email

October 12, 2006 21:59 - 19.4 MB

True to form, the Bush EPA ignored its legislative mandate to formulate new rules regarding poisonous soot in the air. Then after a court ordered it to produce new rules, the Bush EPA ignored its own experts and left an old totally inadequate standard in place. Thousands will die as a result.The 400 richest Americans, all billionaires, have as much wealth as half the US population, 57 million

62 - From The "Southern Strategy" To Voter ID Laws: Right-Wing Voter Suppression And Racism, 1968-2006 / Progressive Christian Leaders Speak Out

October 05, 2006 22:21 - 18.6 MB

The right-wing of the GOP has made covert racist appeals, and engaged in voter suppression, from 1968 to the present time. The so-called Southern Strategy begun under Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan's entire political career, are two such examples. The latest effort takes the form of the voter ID laws the right is currently pushing.We hear the Falwells and the Robertsons ad nauseam, but

61 - Every Day, 30,000 Children Die: World's Worst Terrorism? / Listener Email: How Blast The Right Converted Him From Republican To Progressive

September 28, 2006 23:19 - 22.4 MB

Today I'm going to tell you about two of the most important and damning statistics in the world, and then link them to right-wing policies. We'll also try to decide what to call the deadly result of these policies. Is that result properly called terrorism, or just unfathomable violence?We'll also hear from a listener who abandoned his Republican ideology and adopted a progressive outlook as a

60 - All-Time High "Extreme Poverty" Rate / WMD Or No WMD, Cheney Wanted War / Listener Email: His Canadian Mine Worker Protection Puts U.S. To Shame

September 22, 2006 00:23 - 17.9 MB

Today we have two segments and listener email. The keywords applicable to right-wingers in this podcast are immiseration, prevarication and suffocation.Immiseration, as in, right-wingers increase poverty.Prevarication, as in, right-wingers lie us into war. Suffocation, as in, right-wingers deny trapped mine workers the oxygen they need to survive. Caution: you will hear Dick Cheney during this

59 - Part II Of Critically Important But Largely Unreported Aspects Of The Iraq War: The Bremer Orders (The Attempted Economic Rape of Iraq)

September 14, 2006 22:20 - 19.6 MB

Today we're going to present Part II of the series, Critically Important But Largely Unreported Aspects of the Iraq War. What we'll discuss in this podcast are the Bremer Orders. These are laws promulgated by so-called Coalition Provisional Authority head Paul Bremer when he was running Iraq for the Bush administration. These laws, as those of you familiar with right-wingers may suspect, were

58 - Critically Important But Largely Unreported Aspects Of The Iraq War, Part I: The Right-Wing "Project For A New American Century" (PNAC)

September 08, 2006 01:20 - 21.7 MB

Today we're going to present Part I of what will be at least a 3-part series, Critically Important But Largely Unreported Aspects of the Iraq War. The first subject we'll address is, the neocon organization called Project for a New American Century, known as PNAC. This will make your hair stand on end.A major issue in the midterm elections, just about 2 months away, will of course be Iraq.One

57 - Katrina: Right-Wing Incompetence And Worse / IRS Privatization Scam / Bush's War On Terrorism Failures

August 31, 2006 22:10 - 25.4 MB

Today we're going to have a change of pace from the previous several weeks of one-topic, in-depth discussions.Instead, you'll be presented with a smorgasbord of tasty dishes you can use to nourish the intellect of each one of your friendly local right-wingers. On the menu is Katrina, abuse of the IRS, and Bush failures in the war on terrorism.Various and sundry tidbits of truth for you to feed

56 - Class Warfare, International-Style: The Right-Wing's Assault Against The World's Poor

August 24, 2006 21:44 - 27.4 MB

The Third World poor suffer a quadruple whammy, a four-pronged attack on their livelihoods and very lives themselves.One of these prongs we've already touched on in previous podcasts, the sweetheart contracts between corrupt Third World governments and foreign multinationals that allow Third World natural resource wealth to be plundered.The other three elements of the right-wing attack are unfair

55 - WMD Found In Iraq! Anatomy Of A Fox News Propaganda Campaign

August 17, 2006 22:25 - 21.8 MB

We didn't find any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, correct? Most of you out there consider this an old issue. Surely most Americans understand that Saddam had no WMD.Think again.The Harris Poll recently asked Americans if the following statement was true or false:"Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when the U.S. invaded."50% of Americans said the statement was true! 50% of Americans

54 - Death-By-A-Thousand-Cuts Class Warfare / Right-Wing Listener Claims Miners Suffocating Is No Big Deal

August 10, 2006 22:10 - 21.1 MB

Sometimes the right-wing will kill you with one massive, public blow, other times they'll kill you in secret, a death by a thousand cuts.This podcast discusses some of the death by a thousand cut fronts in the right-wing's economic war on poor, working and middle class Americans. They are:1. How much people earn: the right-wing is allowing fraud that illegally inflates executive salaries2. How

53 - Battling Phony Right-Wing Christians: What Every Progressive Needs To Know About True Christian Economics

August 03, 2006 22:33 - 26.6 MB

Possibly the largest and most organized, disciplined and effective opposition to the progressive agenda is the religious right.If you're a progressive, you need to be familiar with true Christian economics, to be able to articulate how far from being in accord with Christian values, right-wing policies truly are.You have to be able to put right-wing Christians on the defensive.Some of you may be

52 - Right-Wing Wages War On State Environmental And Health Safeguards

July 27, 2006 21:08 - 18.4 MB

Right-wingers are traditionally strong proponents of the states rights doctrine, which holds that the federal government should play a limited role and defer to the states whenever it can.Right-wingers, however, have no principles, and when it suits their needs, they will readily abandon such supposedly sacred ideological tenets as states rights. And that's just what they have been doing.Ever

51 - Super-Rich REDUCE Charitable Giving As Their Wealth Increases / Karl Rove, Champion Of Social Justice?

July 22, 2006 06:42 - 18.2 MB

As the incomes of the super wealthy have gone way up, and their taxes have gone way down, they've decided to become less generous in their charitable giving. Of course, that's the exact opposite of what right-wingers said would happen.Next we'll consider the possibility: Karl Rove, champion of social justice. Or so he seems to claim. Hint: Teddy Roosevelt will have something to say on this

50 - Denying Oxygen To Trapped Miners & Cutting Off Medicine To The Elderly: Two More Ways Right-Wingers Increase Human Misery, Pain And Death

July 13, 2006 21:30 - 20 MB

One of the major themes of Blast The Right is that right-wingers consistently cause increased human misery, suffering, pain and death.Today we'll discuss two more ways they do so, one involving the suffocation of coal miners, the other the cutting off of sick people's medication. All the while, the right accomplishes this evil with a smile on its face, boasting of their doing good deeds!The

49 - Venezuela As Prism: Bush, Chavez, Jesus & Oil

July 06, 2006 21:51 - 21.6 MB

There are two things longtime listeners know I'm truly passionate about.One of them is economic justice, particularly as it relates to the oppression and exploitation of the Third World poor. In past podcasts we've discussed how the US and other Western industrialized nations have, since colonial times, economically enslaved Third World and developing nations, and still to this very day do

48 - Poll Reveals Americans Reject Right-Wing Agenda / A Listener's Family Story Of A Right-Winger In Denial

June 29, 2006 22:42 - 22.6 MB

Right-wingers would have you believe that Americans share their views on the issues, on priorities, and on moral values. A recent poll shows that -- like virtually everything right-wingers say -- such assertions are baseless.A listener sends in an mp3 with a telling story about his right-wing sister who spouts an ideology at odds with her own life.

47 - Coulter vs. The Jersey Girls: Ann's Real Agenda & Her Underlying Psychological Disorder

June 22, 2006 21:56 - 26 MB

Here's an approach to this brouhaha you haven't seen elsewhere:First we'll go over the who, what, when and where of Ann Coulter's vicious attack on four 9/11 widows, who are known as the Jersey Girls. You'll hear a clip of Ann saying something about these women that is even more heartless than what she wrote in her book.Then after we listen to Ann try to defend herself on Fox and NBC, we'll

46 - Attack On The Estate Tax: Right-Wing Lies And Greed In Plain Sight

June 15, 2006 22:15 - 25.5 MB

Right-wingers in Congress are trying to repeal the estate tax. Fortunately, they failed last week. They fell 3 votes short of the 60 votes they needed to prevent a Democratic filibuster on the issue. Two Republicans, George Voinovich of Ohio and Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island, defied the GOP leadership and voted with the Democrats.Since the estate tax repeal was pushed by right-wingers, you've

45 - Right-Wing Policies Kill America's Coal Miners

June 08, 2006 22:36 - 22.2 MB

I repeat quite often that right-wingers invariably cause increased human misery, suffering, pain and death. Today I'll present a perfect example of precisely the type of such havoc that ensues when right-wingers achieve power.We've recently witnessed the dual tragedies of the Sago mine explosion in January, which killed 12 West Virginia coal miners, and then the Harlan County mine explosion in

44 - O'Reilly Lets Rumsfeld Lie: To Help Him Avoid War Crimes Charges? / Right-Wing Neglect And Worse Of 9/11 Victims / Listener Comments On Bolivia

June 01, 2006 22:12 - 19.9 MB

Donald Rumsfeld claimed in an interview with Bill O'Reilly that the President and Congress saw the same intelligence on Iraq. That is a lie, long known as such. O'Reilly let Rumsfeld get away with it. What's behind this dog-and-pony show?An update on how the Bush administration's incompetence, neglect and -- again -- lies have impaired the health of countless victims of 9/11 and its

43 - Reverse Robin Hood: Bush's Latest Regressive Tax Cut / O'Reilly's Own Words Condemn Fox News

May 25, 2006 21:30 - 19.6 MB

In a recent poll, 60% of Americans said wealthy families don't pay enough in taxes. So what does the right-wing-controlled Congress run out and do almost at the very same time? Congress gave another huge, whopper of a tax cut to the wealthy, especially to the super wealthy.We'll first analyze the numbers to see who really benefits from this Bush tax cut; then we'll explain how to debunk the

42 - Bolivia Infuriates AND Petrifies The Right By Nationalizing Its Natural Gas Industry / A Listener's Rant About Right-Wingers

May 18, 2006 22:14 - 21.5 MB

Fulfilling a campaign promise, Bolivian President Evo Morales recently nationalized his country's natural gas industry. Right-wingers are beside themselves -- their profits in Bolivia won't be obscenely large anymore, but far worse, this could give ideas to other exploited nations. It's precisely this type of action by Third World leaders that is more terrifying to the right than any WMD. It

41 - Americans DO Want Tax Increases...On The Wealthy! / US Inaction On Murder Campaign Against Gays In Iraq / Listener Comment on Tom DeLay Evildoing

May 11, 2006 21:44 - 20.5 MB

The incessant and ubiquitous right-wing propaganda line is that Americans want no tax increases. Wrong. They want tax increases on the wealthy. Congress, please take note!Religious fatwas calling for homosexuals to be killed have inspired a campaign of murder and other atrocities against gays in Iraq. Will the US act to stop this latest obscenity resulting from our invasion?A listener gives

40 - Iraq: More Expensive Than Vietnam, And The Right-Wing Gladly Reaps The Benefits / How To Respond To Right-Wing Insults

May 04, 2006 21:20 - 17.3 MB

The skyrocketing costs of the Iraq War don't bother right-wingers, in fact quite the contrary, because these expenditures further two of the right's main goals. What are those goals? Hint: greed, and cutting off assistance to the "least of these," are involved.Right-wingers spew out at progressives the same insults over and over again. How do I suggest responding? We'll go through a doozy of

39 - Debunking Right-Wing Propaganda: The U.S. Economy Is Not Strong And NOT Benefiting All Americans / A Listener's Take On The Immigration Debate

April 27, 2006 23:05 - 18.4 MB

If all you knew was what George W. Bush and the right-wing echo machine told you, you'd think that the U.S. economy was thriving in a way that benefits all Americans. Not so. It's quite the opposite. Facts and figures will be liberally employed to bust this right-wing propaganda.A listener gives us his take on what the immigration debate is really all about.

38 - The Right At Its Democracy-Trashing, Greedy Worst: Lesser-Known Episodes In Tom DeLay's Career / Undocumented Immigrants Have The Right To Stay

April 20, 2006 21:58 - 20.7 MB

It's not well-known that Tom DeLay played a crucial role in stopping the Florida recount in 2000, or, that he single-handedly defied the U.S. Senate to force continued immiseration and poverty onto workers in an American overseas territory.Instead of begrudgingly allowing 12 million undocumented immigrants to remain here with the woe-is-us rationale that it's just too hard to round them all up,

37 - Bush's Uncle A War Profiteer / Hannity Silences Colmes / Stopping 2006 GOP Vote Fraud / Listener Comments / More

April 13, 2006 22:16 - 20.7 MB

FDR said he didn't want to see one millionaire created from World War II. The Bush family seems to have the opposite philosophy. Their beloved "Uncle Bucky" has made out like a bandit.You absolutely won't believe what are the top words that Americans use to describe W.A proposal to ensure that the 2006 Congressional elections are not stolen by GOP electronic voting machine fraud.Hannity

36 - Fighting Back Against Right-Wing Violence & Multinational Corporate Domination: Three Latin American Leaders Draw A Line In The Sand

April 06, 2006 21:45 - 25.2 MB

It would be hard even for a right-winger to deny the long U.S. history of violent interference in the internal affairs of Latin American nations. Given that history, and the rapacious appetite of multinational corporations for extreme profits in overseas investments, it's heartening to see leaders in Bolivia and Venezuela, as well as the likely future leader of Mexico, acting forcefully to

35 - Three More Ways Right-Wingers Increase Human Misery, Pain and Death / Audio: O'Reilly Threatens Listener & New York Times

March 30, 2006 23:51 - 22 MB

Right-wingers want to:1. prevent us from protecting the health of our children, 2. conceal from us the poisoning of our air and water, and3. allow some of us with cancer to needlessly die.Listen to the podcast for details.Also: We hear Bill O'Reilly prove why he's a strong contender for the title of #1 right-wing media thug.

34 - The Right-Wing's Worst Nightmare: A Tax On Extreme Wealth

March 23, 2006 22:57 - 21.9 MB

As Congress repeatedly passes tax cuts that disproportionately benefit the richest among us, it might seem quixotic to speak of a tax on wealth. But political precedent -- you won't believe what you hear FDR say about the greedy right-wingers of his day -- and emerging public opinion trends indicate that enacting a wealth tax could well become feasible in the near future.

33 - How Right-Wingers Try To Hide The Harmful Results of Their Policies / Words of Anti-Militarism From A Surprising Source / King vs. Robertson

March 16, 2006 23:02 - 21.5 MB

Right-wingers want to destroy the social safety net, and they don't want government statistics to reveal their progress in doing so. We'll discuss four ways the Bushians have tried to prevent government agencies from documenting the harmful results of right-wing policies.Speaking out against excessive military spending is a path few politicians now dare tread. It wasn't always thus. We'll hear

32 - Listen to Martin Luther King, Jr. Speak To Us About the War on Terrorism

March 09, 2006 22:40 - 24.5 MB

When Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his "Beyond Vietnam" speech at the Riverside Church in New York City on April 4, 1967, he was not only laying out a case against the Vietnam War and the negative role the U.S. was playing in the world. No, Dr. King was speaking to us also, in words eerily prophetic about our present day crusade in Iraq and our efforts to thwart democracy in Haiti, Bolivia,

31 - Judge Slams Bush EPA's Post-9/11 Actions As "Conscience-Shocking" / Poll: Troops In Iraq Say "Bring Us Home!"

March 02, 2006 22:46 - 23.5 MB

The Bush administration's misleading statements about air quality safety in the post-9/11 World Trade Center area are so egregious as to "shock the contemporary conscience," according to a recent ruling by a federal judge. Thousands are sick and possibly dying because of Bush administration misconduct and neglect.According to a recent poll of US troops in Iraq, Bush doesn't seem to have won even

30 - Right-Wing War Profiteering Escalates / A Listener Calls In To Enter "Single Worst Bush Action" Contest / Another Big O'Reilly Lie Exposed / More

February 23, 2006 23:05 - 19.9 MB

Recent defense industry profit figures show that some people, at least, are benefiting enormously from the Iraq War tragedy. We'll listen to what FDR had to say about such obscene behavior, and consider what could have been the present-day solution were not the right-wing in control of Congress.Entering my contest to identify the single action of George Bush that will ultimately cause the most