This interview with Julian Cope was recorded at the "Blake's Shadow" private view. Julian requested that he not be filmed, hence this interview is audio-only, accompanied by an on-the-spot illustration by Mark Penman.

- Julian Cope

Current job and place of employment
- I write at home and reseach throughout the UK and Europe. Although my last book was about Japanese culture, I didn't need to visit as I'd done four tours there previously.

What did you study at sixth form or college?
- French, Russian, English and History.

Did you go to University or any other higher education institution? If so, where and what did you study?
- At college, I studied art and drama until the Punk phenomenon stopped my studies dead in their tracks.

What was or who was the biggest influence on your choice of career?
- My two career influences were TS Eliot and Jim Morrison.

Any other comments?
- Persist and you will achieve your goals.

Download the interview with Julian Cope