- Heather Birchall

Current job and place of employment
- Curator (Historic Fine Art), Whitworth Art Gallery, the University of Manchester

What did you study at sixth form or college?
- History, English, French

Did you go to University or any other higher education institution? If so, where and what did you study?
- Hull University, BA History
- Nottingham University, MA History of Art

What was or who was the biggest influence on your choice of career?
- Oh my goodness. Probably visiting Manchester Art Gallery as a child and looking at all the Pre-Raphaelites, and wishing that I would grow up to be like one of the women in Rossetti’s paintings. Alas, that didn’t happen, but it did alert me to working with pictures and putting them in new contexts.

Any other comments?
- "Blake’s Shadow" has been a pleasure to work on – I have discovered new things about artists, musicians and filmmakers who have literally followed his "shadow". I hope it will be a huge success.

Download the first part of the video interview with Heather Birchall