Laura Goode lives n Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. She took Makeup Artistry & Design at Compu College. Ever since she could hold a pencil she loved to draw. She would draw houses on hills or imitate cartoons. She learned how to draw anime until she discovered Caricatures on a family vacation in Quebec.

She found Caricature Artists very fascinating, how they would make people laugh by enhancing features and how quickly they produced them. As soon as she came back home she taught herself how to draw them. She would practice on family friends and also search for pictures of famous people. When she became comfortable, she would draw them on the streets locally. She came up with the name Face Forge as she sees herself forging faces in a creative way. Every once in a while she would paint a Caricature or a piece out of the ordinary.

When she isn't working or drawing she enjoys drives along the coastline getting lost (on purpose) and exploring local areas. Recently a friend of hers noticed her paintings and challenged her to do South Shore Scenery Folk, Art. With her enjoyment of art and the east coast, she gave it a try and has been happy with the results.

She still enjoys drawing caricatures every now and then but her Folk Art paintings have been her focus.

She hopes everyone enjoys her artwork as much as she loves creating them.

Check her out @faceforge