Ever feel like success has this one-size-fits-all label – money, status, recognition? Trust us, we get it. 


In a world that often hands us a pre-packaged definition of success, especially if you’re a new or first-gen business owner, it's like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. In this solo episode, our Founder and Podcast Host, Monique T. Marshall breaks it down.


Navigating society's predefined idea of success can feel like lugging around extra baggage on your entrepreneurial journey. In this episode, we're laying it all out – the expectations, the pressure, and the toll it takes. If you’ve ever questioned where your definition of success comes from, this one's for you.



Dive into commonly accepted societal definitions of success and how they impact your journey. Learn to differentiate between being inspired by others and unconsciously emulating their paths. Explore the role of cultural backgrounds in shaping success perspectives. Understand the limitations of measuring success solely through quantitative metrics and embrace qualitative markers. Discover non-monetary markers of success.


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