Name: Andrei Hall

Business Name: Hall Wealth Management

Current Title: America's Retirement Asset Distribution Professional & President Of Hall Wealth Management

Location: Irvine CA

Educational Background: 

BS of Business Administration from Cal State LA, CFP, CRPC

Ed Slott Master Elite Advisor


About Andrei:


Andrei Hall, President of Hall Wealth Management Group, has over 19 years experience in wealth management for retirees, high level executives, celebrities, and business owners.

‍Hall Wealth Management’s success is based on Andrei’s firm belief in a holistic financial planning process. This starts with a comprehensive plan to develop planning, retirement, and estate strategies and determining which investments to be best utilized.

During the year of the 2008 market crash, Hall Wealth Management had one of its most successful years in preserving clientele and acquiring new clients. Andrei will work to understand clients’ monetary challenges and the proactive steps that need to be taken under the economic forecast with the goal to make future retirement attainable or current retirement improved.

As a former Vice President at Xerox for twenty-five years & former Senior Vice President at Printronix, Andrei also has a profound firsthand understanding in the affairs of executive level compensation along with business assets under management.

Andrei executes expert strategies in providing plans in areas including but not limited to: Retirement Income Planning with a focus on distribution strategies, Estate Planning, Business Succession Planning and Investment Portfolio Design.

Andrei Hall is proud to be a member of Ed Slott's IRA Advisor Group. This group is comprised of financial professionals dedicated to the IRA industry. As a member of this group, Andrei has access to training modules, bi-annual workshops and regular webinars to further his knowledge and better serve his clients. In addition, being a member gives Andrei access to Ed Slott and his group of technical specialists, who are also attorneys, CPA's and accountants.



Importance of retirement planning

Role of a financial advisor in the retirement process

Common misconceptions about retirement

Different types of retirement accounts and stages of retirement planning 

Common plans financial planners recommend for entrepreneurs 

How to decide when and how much you need to retire

Common mistakes entrepreneurs make when planning retirement 

The differences in preparation for selling your business vs. transferring ownership


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