Name: Robert Kennedy

Business Name: Kennetik Kommunications

Current Title: President

Location: Maryland



About Robert: 

Robert Kennedy III wants to live in a world where people are no longer afraid to confidently tell their stories...and they can also eat Reese's Peanut Butter cups for every meal without any repercussions. 

His work as a keynote speaker and trainer in the area of leadership communication has led him to work with organizations such as the US Coast Guard, Barnes & Noble, Social Security Administration, Panda Restaurant Group, AARP, T-Mobile, and UNCF as well as appearances on Fox, CW, and other networks.

He is involved in his community through various boards, including the school boards, Association for Talent Development Maryland Chapter, youth leadership programs, and helping non-profits conduct mock interviews. He is also a professional member of the National Speakers Association.



What it means to be confident How confidence plays a role in communication Common mistakes leaders make when communicating How communication affects how they are perceived How to avoid using filler words when communicating How to deal with the fear of judgment Tips when presenting for the first time

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