Name: Elizabeth Byler

Business Name: Eden Environments

Current Title: Creative Image Director

Location: Baltimore, MD

Educational Background: 

Bachelors in Healthcare Administration from Arcadia University

Certificate in Size-inclusive design

Certificate in Conscious Living and the Enneagram



About Elizabeth:

Elizabeth’s degree in healthcare administration led them to ask, “How can we use spaces to promote healing and well-being?” Learning about design strategies that can be implemented to achieve that goal energized them to share this information and be part of creating these healing spaces. They believe that it is time to move past survival and consider what collective and individual thriving looks like.


Design has always been part of their life as they see the world in patterns and are highly sensitive to environments. Elizabeth has reframed their sensitivity and creativity not as a liability but as the skill needed to transform spaces.


They are certified in size-inclusive design and the Enneagram, two strategies that inform broader holistic approaches. They use their attention to detail and creative problem-solving skills to create inclusive and sustainable spaces.


Elizabeth is also a Climate Reality Leader and on the leadership team of the Baltimore Hub of Global Shapers.


The importance of creating a human-centric workspace How your workspace affects your productivity Things to consider when selecting a workspace How design impacts your employees Difference between a flexible workspace and an open workspace Budget-friendly ways to design a productive workspace


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