Name: Dr. Dennis Kimbro

Current Title: Educator, New York Times Best-Selling Author, and Expert on Leadership, Wealth, and Success

Location: Atlanta, GA

Educational Background: B.A. degree from the University of Oklahoma and an M.A. and doctorate from Northwestern University, where he studied wealth and poverty among underdeveloped countries.


About Dr. Dennis Kimbro:

Few individuals impact the day-to-day management of organizations and institutions as Dr. Dennis Kimbro. A tireless educator, best-selling author, and Business school professor, Dr. Kimbro is universally characterized as an authority on leadership, wealth, and success. As one of today’s top business speakers, he has documented and shared his principles and insight on peak performance with thousands of followers around the globe.



The habits of Black Self-Made Millionaires The importance of mindset in building wealth The difference between a successful and unsuccessful person  The importance of maintaining your brand The importance of raising your standards  The difference between being rich and being wealthy How to discover your area of excellence



[BOOK] Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice by Dennis Kimbro [BOOK] The Wealth Choice: Success Secrets of Black Millionaires by Dennis Kimbro [BOOK] What Makes the Great Great by Dennis Kimbro [BOOK] The Law of Success In Sixteen Lessons by Napoleon Hill [BOOK] The Negro in Business by Booker T. Washington [BOOK] The Souls of Black Folk by W. E. B. Du Bois [BOOK] The Negro by W. E. B. Du Bois

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