Name: Adryanauna Tuggle aka. Marketing By Monrae

Age: 28

Business Name: Millionaire Mob University

Current Title: CEO

Location: Atlanta



About Marketing By Monrae:

Marketing By Monrae is the Dean and President of Millionaire Mob University. She’s a 2x Published Author and Digital Marketing Maven.


Starting in 2013 as a Sophomore in College Monrae opened her marketing agency Rare Necessity Brand Management with the intention of assisting them with making marketing simple.


Immediately after opening the agency, she discovered her passion for campaigns and her unique ability to use the combination of data and creativity to make her clients money.


After graduating, she went on to work with celebrities and companies where she continued to develop her skillset for all things marketing and increased their revenue to well over 300% within the first 90 days of working together with implementing her Million Dollar Marketing System.


In 2019 Monrae discovered that CEOs were not equipped with the knowledge to successfully maximize their marketing in their business which was ultimately holding them back from their revenue goals.


In 2020 she create the Millionaire Mob University where she now provides the programs and products to make marketing simple and help her students go from Invisible to Visible, then Visible to Paid. By doing so Monrae was able to hit her first Million Dollar Year by the age of 26.


Her ultimate goal is to open an accredited Marketing University with several campuses and equip her students with her Million Dollar Marketing Systems to ultimately make marketing simple and generate her students over $100M in Revenue.



The importance of having a marketing campaign The role of strategy in marketing  How to run a successful marketing campaign How to create a marketing budget  How to decide what medium to use How to measure the success of your campaign Common marketing mistakes entrepreneurs make and how to avoid them

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