BY Scotty T. Reid - The civil war within the Democratic Party is hot again, temporarily paused as various wings of the party sought to broker a rhetorical peace until after the 2020 election which Joe Biden won. It did not take long for the corporate wing of the party to fire the first shots in accusing the progressive Democrats, street activists, and organizers for causing corporate Democrats to lose congressionally. Congress Members House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-South Carolina), U.S. Representative Conor Lamb (D-Pennsylvania), and U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger of Virginia spoke out on a Democratic Caucus conference call on November 5th and blamed progressives for seats that were lost because of street slogans like “Defund The Police” and what they called “socialism” adopting right-wing attacks on popular legislation like Medicare For All.

Compare and contrast the campaign messages of the corporate Democrats who lost their seats to Republicans with the messaging of the Progressive wing of the party which added members to its caucus. Progressive Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won her reelection campaign by huge margins along with the other members of what became dubbed “The Squad”. Progressives also won seats in various states and incumbents like South Carolina’s US. Senator Lindsey Graham faced tough challenges from progressive Democrats.

One is newly elected progressive, US Representative-elect Jamal Bowman, is weighing in with a rebuttal of former President Barack Obama who weighed in to push the corporate wing’s messaging in continuing to assert the debunked notion that corporate Democrats lost seats because of what activists in the streets or candidates in other states were saying and not based on the campaign messaging of the candidates who lost.

Barack Obama, on the issue of reforming the police budget that the streets refer to as Defunding The Police”, Obama is quoted as saying you lose people (voters) with “snappy” slogans like “