Previous Episode: Episode 74

The hell is Pumpkin Fest and why should we care? • Local reporter accosted by Pumpkin Fest organizer for simply speaking the truth • Higher education: not worth it. Gonna drink instead • Overqualified? Underqualified? Not gonna work with either • Snipers and Homeland security keeping us safe from EbolaISIS • No date tonight? how […]

The hell is Pumpkin Fest and why should we care? • Local reporter accosted by Pumpkin Fest organizer for simply speaking the truth • Higher education: not worth it. Gonna drink instead • Overqualified? Underqualified? Not gonna work with either • Snipers and Homeland security keeping us safe from EbolaISIS • No date tonight? how bout starting a bottle Fight • Jimmy from AZ pushes the envelope • Cussing on the show and radio hosts we hate • Liberty Tits • Shuanna’s new found love: yelling at folks • Eric’s dog is a murderer • Darryl, Eric, and Shaunna join


Show Notes