
Episode 91 – Black Sheep Matter!!

October 31, 2015 23:30 - 102 MB

Home school video gaming • Liberty creepers • gender roles • SatoshiDating.bitcoin • Beating the college scam • Genetic engineering • Netflix and /the horror • Vulcan Aspies • Moon landing Hoax • Space exploration • Floating cities • 9/11 in the media • The most important conspiracy theory? • Recommended Tweeters • Darryl, Shaunna, […]

Episode 90 – “As Yuh Mayuh”

September 26, 2015 23:30 - 113 MB

Keene mayoral debate – Community approves; Stephen Hawking, not so much • Some women are uncomfortable in gyms. Solution: ban boys • Student housing slumlords and mayors who lie about the current tax rate • Fired union workers petition to get their jobs back • What’s that accent? •Shaunna and Darryl join Audio Show Notes

Episode 89 – Horror on the Pony Ride Express

August 29, 2015 23:30 - 112 MB

Selling on Amazon, boycotting social Sundays, and bike trail travesties • Drink that water, fatty • No parking meters = increased business • Some people just need to get slapped..and their damn kids • This month’s hero: Guy obstructs red light cameras for the people • Shaunna and Daryl join Audio Show Notes

Episode 88 – Not-a-Bike!

July 26, 2015 23:30 - 111 MB

Triathlonic Tragedy • Not voting for any snakes • Silly gun free zones • Movie Lies! • FPP.cc joins Audio Show Notes

Episode 87 – Brick

June 28, 2015 23:30 - 115 MB

Porcfest – Corporates taking over the event and why I didn’t go this year • Gov thugs try to shakedown Pfest vendors • Unlicensed free market vending • Brick: The Movie • City of Keene stuff: Good ol’ boy consultants, the great pension scam, increased tax rate, and mandatory raises forever! • Study claims conspiracy […]

Episode 86 – Snickerdoodle

May 31, 2015 23:30 - 110 MB

One man’s trash • Ji is free! • All drink and no food • Turn that fire down • The bellamy salute and some pesky kid who won’t stand for the pledge • Activists head back to school • VT cop gets snickerdoodled • Local sheep segregating by color? • Darryl, Shaunna, Tim, and Rapsher […]

Episode 85 – Signs

April 26, 2015 23:30 - 144 MB

One month of treasure hunting. What have I learned? • Penn J. Loses a bunch of weight. So does W • NH hands free law. Doin it for the kids • No douchebags in Kroger. Open carry welcome • Grand Theft Cantwell • Political, Spirtual, Revolutionary Hip Hop • Can’t escape ALDI • Interstate 60 […]

Episode 84 – Scam Card Blues

March 29, 2015 23:30 - 144 MB

Bye-bye Wally World. You shan’t be missed • One man’s trash, Another man’s treasure • Robin Hood in jail. Again • Prison scam card • Cannabis Lapidares Leporidae. Without government who will protect the bunnies? • Duh, it’s a steakcutter! • 100 year old patent finally lays the age old debate to rest • Robocop […]

Episode 83 – Believe That!

February 22, 2015 23:30 - 125 MB

Flaming Freedom 3.0 • Waging war against the Keene School District plurality • Derrick’s message to his sisters: “Rise up & Drop out of government school” • Silly activists protest city snow plows – Who believes this sh*t?  Turns out quite a few • MTV quality ISIS videos – Who believes this sh…never mind • What type of […]

Episode 82 – Bawlz

January 25, 2015 23:30 - 113 MB

Why am I paying for this crap! • 4 New warrant articles. School officials concerned • Problems with the education system? You should totally run for school board. /Vomit • @IanGoogling • BallGate, autotune, and you’ll love my nuts • Patriarchy wins!!  At least on Survivor • The Penguin circa 96 • Jay, Darryl, and […]

Episode 81 – Danger Zone

December 28, 2014 23:30 - 117 MB

Robin Hood gets thrifty, for the people • Sign ordinance 101. Like getting punched in the d**k • Derrick J “unsuitable” to conceal carry • James goes on trial for recording the police • Messages from the folks • Rapsher, Shaunna, and James join • Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org Audio Show Notes

Episode 80 – Catastrophe

November 23, 2014 23:30 - 67 MB

Feeding the haters with good ole satire • Nothin but  A-holes • Deconstructing Colbert’s hack job • Rooster Strong • Darryl’s cringe worthy Asperettes syndrome • Darryl, Shaunna, and Rapsher join • Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org Audio (right-click to download) Show Notes

Episode 79 – Should be Censored

November 16, 2014 23:30 - 59.6 MB

The people vs Pumpkin Fest • The FHRITP phenomenon. The hell is wrong with people? • Feds spend $10mil on anti-obesity video game • Michelle Obama: No vote, no fried chicken • How to be a good slave…err citizen • Homeless advocates fined for feeding the homeless • W joins Audio Show Notes

Episode 78 – Curb Stomping 101

November 15, 2014 16:30 - 83.5 MB

Remembering Keenevention 2014 • Ballot selfie etiquette • Open carry. What could go wrong? according to some LEO • Are my kids too loud for you? How bout I punch you in the teeth for noticing • BSR: behind the scenes • Awesome map of the entire internet • Darryl, Steven, and Shaunna join Audio […]

Episode 77 – Convention Fabuloso

November 02, 2014 23:30 - 70.2 MB

Did you miss Keenevention 2014? No worries. We have all the juicy details for you • HallowKeene FB page • Just sell me three chickens! • No seatbelt? Probably gonna get shot • Derrick J’s 10sec victimless crime spree • the “still small voice” within you • W and Derrick J join the discussion Audio […]

Episode 76 – Brain Salad Symphony

October 26, 2014 23:30 - 81.8 MB

Surviving Pumpkinfest 2014: a tale of redemption • Smart people listen to Radiohead • That rooster has got to go, Holmes • “get a job, hooligan!” • Pink water bottle catastrophe • Vin Diesel is Not gay • Jay and Shaunna join Audio Show Notes

Episode 75 – RiotFest

October 19, 2014 23:30 - 114 MB

The hell is Pumpkin Fest and why should we care? • Local reporter accosted by Pumpkin Fest organizer for simply speaking the truth • Higher education: not worth it. Gonna drink instead • Overqualified? Underqualified? Not gonna work with either • Snipers and Homeland security keeping us safe from EbolaISIS • No date tonight? how […]

Episode 74

October 12, 2014 23:30 - 62.3 MB

Robin Hood goes to Washington..err..Concord • James hassled over his retired police cruiser – Show me the law • Infamous FL speed trap town dissolves corrupt police department • Running and losing in the primaries • The chicken coop roof is on fire • James and Garret Audio Show Notes

Episode 73

October 04, 2014 23:30 - 59.2 MB

Understanding libertarian Standard Time • Nothin but rule followers • 6 reasons the Robin Williams memorial should remain • Nic Cage, John Travolta, Keanu Reeves = Vampires, Darryl = reincarnation of Billy the Kid • Ji Coin first showing • Darryl and Shaunna join Audio Show Notes

Episode 72

September 28, 2014 23:30 - 59.2 MB

The walls are pink! • Darryl explains wrastling • City nannies decide to enact time limit on Robin Williams memorial • libertarian Cards Against Humanity? • Gov Hassan has blood on her hands • Jimmy from AZ  who is not James from AZ leaves a nice voicemail • Shaunna: never going back to Cali • […]

Episode 71

September 21, 2014 23:30 - 59.2 MB

The hell is brutalist philosophy? • Setting up an anti-recruiting table on career day • Militarism in the US and the business of war • Live calls on the show? • Jimmy from AZ approves • Conformity and the Asch experiment • Josie not susceptible to hypnosis • Jay, Josie Wales, and Rapsher join Audio […]

Episode 70

September 14, 2014 23:30 - 58.9 MB

Freedom folks running for office in Keene • Free woman project, Brazil.  Getting along just fine • Stephen Hawking – still not Ok with the show • Keene city council – Still a bunch of pansies • Jay and Darryl join Audio Show Notes

Episode 69

September 07, 2014 23:06 - 61.2 MB

CFL bulbs? Screwing with your aura? • #YoloSwag420BlazeIt Cleaveland campaign • Keene city councilor proposes giving back military tank: Overwhelming voted down by a bunch of gutless pansies • Darryl, Freerock, and X join Audio Show Notes

Episode 68

August 31, 2014 23:30 - 93 MB

The 13th anniversary of 9/11 is upon us.  The warhawks and the nationalists like to wave the “Never Forget” mantra around, but forget what exactly?  What the F actually happened on that day and does anyone really even care? Join us – Rapsher, Mat Roach, Joe Mirzoeff, and myself – as we take a hard […]

Episode 67

August 24, 2014 23:30 - 65.7 MB

Chalking hypocrisy in Keene • Dog vs Wolf: Dogs form strict hierarchies and love to follow orders – Wolves cooperate and love their freedom • Have humans been systematically bred (like dogs) to be slaves? • Remembering Robin Williams • Shaunna, Derrick, and Garret join Audio Show Notes

Episode 66

August 17, 2014 23:30 - 90.2 MB

Baby wabbits and other wildlife • Millennials: new generation of hippies? • Roof Koreans for hire and Ferguson, MO stuff •Otters: not so cute after all • Katie, Matt, and Darryl join Audio Show Notes

Episode 65

August 10, 2014 23:30 - 59.3 MB

Add value to your home =  get punished by the state • Guy buys all the McD’s apple pies to spite brat • British man opens his own toll road • libertarian Tea partiers? No such animal • Tim, Jay, and Darryl join • Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org Audio Show Notes

Episode 64

August 03, 2014 23:30 - 85.9 MB

CheshireTv introduces 2nd channel. Time slots available • Why a war monument in Keene? • Immigrants in NH • Local Keene thugs just don’t learn • Movie review: Jumper • Garret and James join Audio Show Notes

Episode 63

July 28, 2014 14:29 - 60 MB

Facebook gives my life meaning • When is it not OK to take a selfie? • MARC: Mothers Against Rooting Cars • IP lawyers need to get punched • Darryl and Freerock join • Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org Audio Show Notes

Episode 62

July 20, 2014 23:30 - 105 MB

Producing good internet content • Copblock under fire; Becoming too radical for some • Getting blocked from Facebook. Again • Ladies, stop trying to kill chivalry • Marvel introduces lady Thor • Darryl, Cantwell, and Rapsher join. Audio Show Notes

Episode 61

July 13, 2014 23:30 - 57.5 MB

More reminiscing on PorcFest 2014 • Douche bag of the week: Gov employee steals half a million in quarters • Tattoos •Think you know how to flirt?  Study says you probably suck at it • Ellen joins Audio Show Notes

Episode 60

July 06, 2014 23:30 - 129 MB

James gets arrested • To upload or not to upload? • Love your haters • Nice people like to obey • Cops love punching folks • James, Rapsher, and Freerock join Audio Show Notes

Episode 59

June 29, 2014 23:30 - 63.3 MB

Cold showers and clogged toilets, Neanderthal heads, ObamaCoin, meow-worms and the biggest, gayest dance party ever.  Join us this week as we discuss all things Porcfest 2014.  Darryl, Garret, James, and Dianna join. Audio Show Notes

Episode 58

June 22, 2014 23:30 - 82.1 MB

Roughing it at Porcfest2014 • Quitting Facebook? • Veterans for Peace • Should the city pay for PumpkinFest? Homeless shelter? • Walt Disney’s, The golden Touch: depression era gold confiscation propaganda • Shaunna and Joe join Audio Show Notes

Episode 57

June 14, 2014 23:30 - 61.9 MB

ALP, PNN and other podcast stuff • Derrick jumps through fiery hoops • Old DMV grannies conspiracy • Young libertarians.  Why we do what we do and why they’re wrong • City nanny proposes chalking ordinances • Who owns the commons? • NJ boardwalk mandatory dress code • Ellen and Derrick join Audio Show Notes

Episode 56

June 08, 2014 23:30 - 98.3 MB

Tired of chalking yet?  Too bad.  The war continues.  We break down the madness from every angle • Rebels or Empire? • Keene city budget public hearing • Pumpkin fest lobbyists • What the hell is tax increment financing? • Doom movie review • James and Garret join Audio Show Notes

Episode 55

June 01, 2014 23:30 - 95.9 MB

Chalk Wars • Protesting Memorial day “End the wars” • Violence is violence • Sriracha wins! • 10 genres you either love or despise • Jay joins Audio Show Notes

Episode 54

May 25, 2014 23:30 - 97 MB

Darryl witnesses bizarre cop circles in Fla • Uploading one’s raw video to the cloud • Don’t know where Ukraine is? You probably want to bomb it. • Eric adopts some chickens • Cartoon bulls with udders? • SFK!!! plans to improve the community.  Without help from the state • Star Trek money • 20 […]

Episode 53

May 18, 2014 23:30 - 95.4 MB

People’s BBQ recap ● Breaking down the opposition. Why do they hate? ● Heroes of Keene rid the town of smiley faces ● Robin Hooder assaulted ● James and Garret join Audio Show Notes  

Episode 52

May 11, 2014 23:30 - 59.2 MB

Free Keene haters gather for silent protest ∙ Public school doesn’t prepare kids for real life ∙ DEA scumbags raid Phat Stuff ∙ COPSLIE plate good to go ∙ 101 reasons film coming soon ∙ Beau Davis joins Audio Show Notes

Episode 51

May 10, 2014 15:09 - 112 MB

Robin Hood reports on city’s new parking plans • The hell is an AirZooka? Will it work on Ji? • Why do Keene city employees make so damn much? • Garret brings Obama Coin to Keene • Star Wars or Star Trek?  What’s the difference? • More Maggie Hassan vodka. Round 2 • NYTimes reports […]

Episode 50

April 27, 2014 23:30 - 115 MB

Movin to the country • The hell is a guinea hen? • Sending Darryl to the farm • Keene city employees = free parking • We dissect the hell out of some Game of Thrones show and book (Spoiler alert up to S04E03) • Eric and Stormy join Audio Show Notes

Episode 49

April 20, 2014 23:30 - 109 MB

Happy Ishtar • Liberal or conservative? Science will tell • 10 worst bands. Ever. • The fall of a corrupt speed trap city • Freeville joins Audio Show Notes

Episode 48

April 19, 2014 13:35 - 112 MB

Alternative sleep cycles • New school stabbing: It’s all fake • Death toll breakdown • 19 things only crazy Americans do • Shaunna and Rapsher join. Audio Show Notes

Episode 47

April 06, 2014 23:30 - 117 MB

This week’s run-in with Mayor Bradford – possible theories arise:  (a) Bradford is Graham’s father. (b) Bradford is Graham from the future. (c) Rich Paul is a Terminator sent back in time to protect Graham from himself • Bradford spills the beans on the secret of Keene • New COK conspiracy: Who really runs parking in […]

Episode 46

March 30, 2014 23:30 - 114 MB

Judge dismisses case against school district • Free Keene haters losing their damn minds • Darryl did NOT win the lottery • What your drink says about you • Freerock joins. Audio Show Notes

Episode 45

March 23, 2014 23:30 - 120 MB

Manchester activists exercise their first and second amendment rights at local airport • Healthy streets Manch = fun time activism • 15 metaphors/similes only a millennial will understand • More on what is fake • Humankind needs more cuddle time • Circumcision: legalized baby torture • Nemi, Joe and Shaunna join. Audio Show Notes

Episode 44

March 16, 2014 23:30 - 114 MB

Keene election results • City douche nozzles recommend increasing parking rates and fines • The hell is a Noped? • First Kiss video = fake.  Darryl disagrees • Woman joins search party to find herself • Which countries have the least sex? • 12 sexiest accents • Ashley hates the British. accent.  Matt and Ashley […]

Episode 43

March 09, 2014 23:30 - 112 MB

5 Gum = Illuminati propaganda • Need to play more Muse • Matthew Bellamy = Freddie Mercury • Bill Hicks = Alex Jones • Why conspiracy theories matter • Government kills agorism • Fire those sucky teachers • Vote week in Keene • School district breakin the law • Spends $23,000 on advertisements • Still […]

Episode 42

March 02, 2014 23:30 - 116 MB

Dumb pedestrians in Keene – Voters vs Keene school district: Ongoing lawsuit – Man attacked by moose responds with deadly force – 5 reasons not to tip.  Freerock joins. Audio Show Notes