Author: Grant Cardone

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Written by [Rodney Gainous](

Edited by [Jordan Coin Jackson](

To Sell or Be Sold is to win out in the realm of ideas. In the world of commerce being bought and sold is happening nearly all day. As technology has monopolized our awareness and advertisers know every trick in the book to get us to purchase. We are always being Sold.

I want us to Sell more.

If you're apart of this Club and are listening to these words now I feel confident that you want to too.

There's a few things you must understand to get your way in business and in life. Most sales are lost about unspoken concerns. It's almost never about the price.

You have to get your buyer to want your product more than he wants his money. We must bring **value** to our buyers.

Because they'll themselves this before buying - Is the right product? Will this company take care of me? What will people think of me when I get this? Am I better off with the money in the bank? Will this be a mistake?

Most people at this point, especially early on in their journey to make money outside of a system is to offer low prices. Don't offer a lower price to solve the problem / objection.

Does this mean you push people away? Become snobby and distant? Charge crazy prices and keep a paywall up? NO! Always agree with the customer, always.

Give away free memberships to your biggest advocates.

Give discounts to those who say they can't afford it.

You must take care of your customers.

But.. Customers aren’t always right though. Customers are most interested in you agreeing with them then the facts. So agree first, then sell. Once you agree it’s easier to suggest alternatives.

Remember that not everyone will be a buyer today. "I'm not buying today" is sometimes uncomfortable words to hear about something that's your baby. But it's never personal.

Focus on increasing credibility. Take full responsibility, always assume the buyer doesn’t trust you enough yet. Relationships grow over time. Every person who interacts with you and your business is a seed you have to tend to. These are people on the other end!

People love to see that you’re prepared, have facts, and believe in your product

People want to believe you, you have to help them

Provide clients with multiple options and over deliver.

Do these things and you'll be in a world full of opportunity and people enthusiastic about it.

Let's build greatness together, thanks for listening.

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