Previous Episode: No More Mr Nice Guy
Next Episode: Stillness Is The Key

Written by Jim Collins and Jerry I. Porras

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These notes were written by [Rodney Gainous]( and edited by [Jordan Coin Jackson](

What does it mean to build to build fast and break things? The common Silicon Valley phrase has been used over and over again describing the fast life of founders on the run. It usually doesn't have the best feeling attached to it.

Do you think Quick? Fast? In-Out? I think most people would. That's not my goal. I don't think it's yours either. We want to built to last. I'm from Detroit, I don't like superficial things. I like how when a car is built the metal bends. I like when I turn one object into something else. It got me into software, and it brings me here today.

Companies that last have a bigger purpose than money. Most times, companies can only fake greatness for 5-10 years. You can only play the game for so long, economics is like that. But if you're a great company, you can come back from struggles even stronger than before.

Resiliency over perfection.

Those who make a lasting contribution to society make more money over the long run. To be built to last, you must be built to change. To Build to Last you must always return to the core. It's what stimulates progress and is the motivation to doing the thing to begin with. Only visionary companies are built on strong principles.

The primary accomplishment of true visionaries is building the company, not being a great story teller, or having the right idea for the right market. Many founders don't start with a great idea, for example Mr. Walton… He started Walmart. It was a single store he ran himself. There was a sea of competitors around him and no one would bet on him. Step by step building leads to natural evolutionary insights. Sony, the company that makes playstation, started off as manufacturing rice cookers. That product failed. Iteration is the only way to know the truth.

Remember: Visionary companies are less likely to have initial success

Luck favors the persistent, as Jay-Z has once said "You only need to be right once".

Always be prepared to kill an idea but never kill the company. Ideas come and go, but that vision has to keep clearing up day by day. Don't get lost in charm. It's a myth. Most are far from it and put people off.

It's important to note, visionaries are not defined by the visual only. Think of it like this: You aren't telling time or showing something like a show, you are meticulously architecting a clock. Piece by piece, gear by gear. Moving springs into place, removing debree and clearing the path. You are creating a beautifully architected masterpiece.

Stick with your principles, be outrageously persistent, and keep your purpose above your profits.

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