00:00 - BHIS - Talkin’ Bout [infosec] News 2024-04-29

02:33 - Story # 1: Cyber Hygiene Helps Organizations Mitigate Ransomware-Related Vulnerabilities

10:38 - Story # 2: ‘Admin’ and ‘12345’ banned from being used as passwords in UK crackdown on cyber attacks

16:34 - Story # 3: Maximum severity Flowmon bug has a public exploit, patch now

21:06 - Story # 3b: CVE-2024-2389: Command Injection Vulnerability In Progress Flowmon

22:45 - Story # 4:GitHub comments abused to push malware via Microsoft repo URLs

30:52 - Story # 5: Security bugs in popular phone-tracking app iSharing exposed users’ precise locations

36:47 - Story # 6: Biden signs bill criticized as “major expansion of warrantless surveillance”

49:38 - Story # 7: ChatGPT’s hallucinations draw EU privacy complaint

57:46 - Story # 8: Sweden’s liquor shelves to run empty this week due to ransomware attack