Previous Episode: S2 Ep23 Your Gift

There is this whole other person inside of you – Your True Self. In many cases, this person has been quieted by a lifetime of rules, expectations, and societal norms. When she’s able to lead in your life – that is when the fun really starts.

This episode is being released on the Eve of the official launch date of my Life Coaching business, B’joyed Coaching. I talk about what launching this business as My True Self means as well as how you can start allowing Your True Self to lead in your life.

To receive inspiration to discover Your True Self and stay updated on B’joyed offerings go to and sign up for my B’joyed newsletter. You’ll get a special gift from me: 5 Simple Steps to Connect with Your True Self.

Follow B’joyed Coaching on Instagram @bjoyed.coaching to stay connected.

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