Wealth Transfer? To the average person, this is a very personal thing. Family, Business Interests, Real Estate, Investments and Personal Property all come into play and a LIFETIME of Blood, Sweat and Tears to accumulate these assets come under the microscope of the REGULATORS and where are they right now??? HUNGRY for REVENUE! It is now estimated that 86.2 TRILLION dollars will exchange hands largely from the Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation. All your life you have created assets that you intend to pass on to your loved without disturbance RIGHT? WRONG. There are bulldozers, wrecking balls, IRS accountants all waiting in the wings to pounce on your holdings after you leave this world. Frank - A seasoned financial expert with years of experience navigating the intricacies of wealth management and taxation. Ninon - An accomplished business strategist and influencer known for her ability to simplify complex concepts and empower viewers to take control of their financial future.Our esteemed guest, a leading authority in the field, unveils a revolutionary system designed to significantly reduce or even eliminate Capital Gains taxes. He will share insights, strategies, and case studies that exemplify the effectiveness of their approach.Tune in to Tax Talk: Mastering Capital Gains for a riveting discussion that promises to demystify the world of taxes, equip you with actionable insights, and empower you to make informed decisions about your wealth. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting your financial journey, this episode is a must-watch for anyone aiming to protect and maximize their hard-earned assets. BizZne$$ BuzZ & BizZne$$ Watch are subsidiaries and wholly owned by Certainty Global, LLC Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Voiceamerica.com Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. ninonspeaks.com Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller theredcarpetconnection.com