Welcome to BizZne$$ BuzZ, the live talk show where business brilliance meets insightful solutions. I'm Frank Helring, and alongside me is the remarkable Ninon de Vere de Rosa. Together, we're the Dynamic Business Duo, here to light up your business journey with wisdom that matters. In today's rapidly changing landscape, it's no secret that small businesses have been facing uphill battles since the tremors of 2008. The staggering 14.2 percent loss of brick-and-mortar establishments by 2015, as reported by NFIB, is a stark reminder of the challenges we've weathered. And with the rise of Internet giants like Amazon and E-Bay, the pressure has only intensified, leaving many small businesses gasping for air due to customer and profit siphoning.But fear not! We're here to unveil the game-changing antidote: UNITY, RELATIONSHIP, and the Law of RECIPROCITY. This trifecta isn't just a counter to e-commerce tsunamis, it's a strategic powerhouse that defies competition. B2B Networking Groups and social media might have left you disillusioned, but our approach is rooted in building meaningful connections and fostering reciprocity. The recent perfect storm of shutdowns, customer distancing, financial strain, and uncertainty brought on by the disruptive force of COVID-19 has left us all grappling with its impact. But guess what? This is where we excel. Our mission is to breathe life back into your business, realign it with your visions, and create a platform that champions your interests. Joining us today is Wendy Burnell, a visionary and heart-led leader with a corporate journey that spans far and wide. Wendy's passion is infectious, inspiring individuals to rediscover their inner essence and create lives that echo with purpose. She's a transformation catalyst, empowering people to tap into their innate greatness, transcending mere existence.Through the whirlwind of challenges, Wendy reminds us that witnessing someone reignite their inner spark is the ultimate reward. And that's what we're here to do – rekindle that spark within you, equip you with actionable strategies, and guide you toward a brighter, more prosperous business future. So, buckle up, fellow entrepreneurs! The BizZne$$ BuzZ is about to take you on an insightful, solution-oriented journey that will invigorate your business and leave you ready to conquer the world. Stay tuned for electrifying conversations, invaluable insights, and the energy you need to thrive! Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Voiceamerica.com Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. ninonspeaks.com Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller theredcarpetconnection.com