Michelle Seiler Trucker is a lot of things. She’s the founder and CEO of Seiler Tucker Inc. She’s also a veteran of 20 years in business mergers and acquisitions. Finally, she’s the best-selling author of books Sell Your Business for More Than It’s Worth and Exit Rich.

Michelle’s a proud mother of a 10-year-old girl In her spare time, she devotes a lot of time and money to charities and plans on starting a non-profit that focuses and neglected children. Most importantly, she’s my latest guest.

For the next half an hour, we talk about her experience in corporate America, the Seiler Tucker 6 P’s, and her new book, which she wrote in collaboration with Sharon Lecher. Yes, the same Sharon Lecher who co-authored the global best-seller, Rich Dad Poor Dad.

Key Takeaways

Introduction (00:00)When was the first moment Michelle realized she was an entrepreneur (02:15)What are the 6 P’s and why the first P is People(04:57)The second P is Product and why after 10 years 70% of businesses fail (08:01)P number three is Processes and why you need to figure them out early (11:10) The fourth P is Proprietary and why your paperwork needs to be straight (14:05)P number five is Patrons and the 80/20 rule (17:56)Why the most important P is Profits (18:56)On what should people focus if they’re starting a business (20:35)The balance between being a dreamer business and a solution based business (23:57)Michelle tries to sum up her new book Exit Rich (26:56)

Additional Resources 

Get in touch with Michelle at [email protected]

Follow Michelle on Twitter and Instagram

Visit her official website for more information

Purchase your copy of “Exit Rich” by clicking here

You can find the transcripts and more at http://bizninjaradio.com

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