John Lee Dumas is considered the Godfather of business and entrepreneurship podcasts. 

He is the founder and host of the hugely successful and award-winning Entrepreneurs on Fire Podcast. 

But he is also an author, speaker, business lifestyle leader, and a regular contributor to Forbes and Entrepreneur Magazine.

When he was starting out in 2012, podcasting was not as popular as it is today. But he took an even greater risk with the daily format and has remained consistent since then to set a good example to others in the publishing space.

Having done more than 3000 interviews and hosted some inspiring entrepreneurs, John has seen the traits of the most successful entrepreneurs.

He recently authored The Common Path to Uncommon Success: A Roadmap to Financial Freedom and Fulfillment to share his experience and what he has seen from successful entrepreneurs.

Tune in to hear of some of the lessons he has learned along the way from his own business and from other entrepreneurs.

Key Takeaways

- Meet John Lee Dumas (01:40)

- John's first big mistake (02:59)

- How to monetize a podcast (06:30)

- The Common Path to Uncommon Success (09:08)

- 17 steps roadmap to financial freedom (10:05)

- What's next for Entrepreneurs on Fire (12:51)

- Metaverse, Web 3.0, Crypto and NFTs – are they the future (13:41)

- What's on Lee Dumas' bucket list? (15:09)

Additional Resources 

Connect with John Lee Dumas

Buy the Common  Path to Uncommon Success Book  Here


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