Jody Agard has a big message to bring to women of the world: Self-Care is foundational to your overall success and joy in life.  It’s a message we are all too familiar with as busy business women, right?  We know the phrase, “you can’t pour from an empty cup,” all too well, but still...we let ourselves get into places of anxiety, stress, overwhelm and even burnout...all because we get too busy to take care of ourselves.  


Which is why I’m bringing Jody on today.  Because her message is not only pervasive for how self-care actually impacts the day to day experience and results we have in our businesses (and our lives), but she makes it so easy and practical!


During this conversation, Jody shares…


The two big reasons we busy women tend not give into self-care on a regular basis.

Practical examples of what self-care can look like in your life...ways that are free or relatively low-cost and super simple to implement (hint: we are talking about booking spa appointments here.  Think: taking a walk around your block or being conscious of the water falling on your back during a shower). Super simple.

The red flags or triggers to be aware of that indicate when we need to implement some of our favorite self-care tools.

The suggestion to create a Self-Care List...all of the ways you love to take care of yourself and fill yourself up so you have a quick reference guide to pull from when you need it!

And Jody knows her stuff!  She works with busy moms and busy women as a coach and mentor, helping them create customized self-care plans that work for them and allow them to see results!  


You can check out her site here:


She also has a book, Mommy Reboot: A Busy Mom’s Guide to Self-Care that acts as an incredible step by step for incorporating self-care into our daily practice.  


She also runs an incredible private Facebook Group!  Filled with hundreds of busy moms who are cognizant of including self-care into their routines (hint, hint: she provide totally FREE 45 Minute Breakthrough sessions to every member of her make sure to join and sign up for one!).  You can request to join her group here:



The end of the year is upon us and most likely it has you thinking very intentionally about what you want to create for yourself and your business in the year ahead! And if those thoughts are leading you to visualizing a business that is making you more money, with more harmony and happiness while doing it, then I would encourage you to apply for my 1 Year Private Coaching Program.


You know know I practice and preach creating a business you love - one that is profitable, productive and enjoyable for you! And in the years that I have worked privately with incredible women entrepreneurs just like you, I’ve had the privilege of seeing just how powerful it is to put the right clarity, focus and intentional actions into our businesses...and, most doing so brings results well beyond our own visions!  


This is why I’m opening up 9 more spots for my 1 Year Private Coaching Program.  And if you are done feeling the pain of financially struggling in your business or just flat out not doing what you love every day, then go apply today!


“I'm committing to Katie's 1 Year Private Coaching Program because I've been trying to grow the business on my own for years and haven't gotten anywhere. I've failed numerous times and have felt defeated over and over again. And it's not that I lack the drive, ambition or passion...most of us women have a lot of that to offer. It's just that I don't have that business mindset. So, this next year I am so excited to finally be making an investment in myself as a woman who wants to run her own business and one I truly believe to be my life's work and passion. I'm looking forward to gaining clarity with my all-over-the-place ideas, having Katie's guidance and accountability along the way, and creating actionable steps that help me achieve my goals. I want to start laying a solid foundation for my business that will ultimately set me up for success, which I really feel like will in turn help me better serve my target community.  I cannot wait for this upcoming year! Katie has such a contagious, motivating spirit and she's a wealth of knowledge. I have a feeling I am going to be amazed at what I can create with Katie's expertise along the way. ~ Ashley, Plant Centered Prep

To find out more about my 1 Year Private Coaching Program and apply, go to  Applications are being reviewed as they come in and spots will fill on a first come, first serve basis. Let’s make some BIG MOVES together next year, girl!
