In 2012, Christy Haussler and her wife Allison did something that is the dream of so many people...they moved to the Florida Keys.  By 2014, Christy started Team Podcast, a company that produces podcasts for incredible podcasters all around the world. In just one year, Christy grew it to a six figure business and continued to grow her reputation in the podcast community and scale her business and more clients came on board.


And then in 2017, Hurricane Irma hit the Florida Keys.  Hard. And it was devastating for so many locals who lost homes, lifestyles and businesses.  But out of the devastation, Christy and Allison saw so many stories of love, compassion and connectedness that lit a fire in her to help her community in a meaningful way.


That’s why in 2018, she made a shift.  She and Allison rebranded their production company into what is now 43 Keys Media, which houses full media production services and a podcast network called 43 Keys Podcast Network, whose ultimate purpose is to support the people, businesses and lifestyle that is so special to the Florida Keys community.


During this conversation, we discuss…


Why Christy decided to jump off of the formula for scaling a service-based business and forged ahead to create her own version of scaling.

How they’re logistically making the transition from their old business model into their new, expanded business model, identifying how they’ve tweaked their systems, processes and staff.

The breakdown of their 43 Keys Podcast Network as a business she’s structuring the agreements between the Network and the Content Creators for each podcast, her monetization strategies and more.


Ultimately, what you’re going to hear in this conversation with Christy is how she is leading her company into the future and creating from her HEART and SOUL every little step along the way.  This is a true case study for designing a business that is in alignment with your values and creating a WIN for every single party involved!


This interview is ridiculously inspiring and emotional and I know you’re going to love it!


Find out more about Christy and 43 Keys Media here →



I have a big secret for you: you do NOT have to struggle for years to create a profitable and purposeful business that you actually enjoy showing up for every day! It takes 3 things to create relatively fast results: Clarity, Focus and INTENTIONAL Actions.  These are the 3 things I continue to provide support and accountability for for my private coaching clients and it’s work that lights me up! (and gives them accountability, guidance, strategy and massive mindset shifts!).


If you are ready to give up the struggle and have your BEST YEAR YET in the year ahead, then apply today for my 1 Year Coaching Program!


From March 2019 through March 2020, I’m working deeply with just a handful of driven, passionate and determined women entrepreneurs who are ready to step into their greatness and finally see the results they know they deserve!


As of now, just 6 more spots remain!  


Find out more about my 1 Year Private Coaching Program and apply today at


PS: Yes, I’m on maternity leave as you’re listening to this and yes, I’m responding to applications as they come in!  They are so much fun to read!


I know you have a big why and I know you have the fuel inside of you to make the shift from “just getting by” to truly having the business of your dreams.  And that’s what I’m here to support in my 1 Year Private Coaching Program.


I can’t wait to hear from you!
